Just a quick post to share that I have an article in this month's issue of Elements Photography Magazine. I was invited to write about my photography adventures in Lapland, and share some photos of the frozen north.

Elements is a landscape photography magazine, available digitally, worldwide.
They do a great job of featuring a cross-section of the landscape photography community, introducing readers to less established photographers, alongside popular well-known names.
They also curate their issues to demonstrate differing styles of landscape photography, allowing contributors to discuss their style and subjects in their own words.
You can subscribe to Elements annually, or quarterly from their website. There’s also a gift subscription, which you can send to your nearest and dearest as a less-than-subtle hint :-)
Aptly, my wintry gallery features in the January (2025) edition, which is Issue 47. Also in this edition is another gallery of fantastic winter photos from Scott Smorra, and some fantastic mountain photography from Bruce Barnbaum, amongst others. All-in-all it's just over 100 pages of cleanly presented images and text, with no ads. It certainly beats scrolling through social media as a platform for consuming quality imagery.
So for a dose of seasonal landscapes, writing, and inspiration, check that out. It’s available now at www.elementsphotomag.com.