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Photos, trip reports, location advice, thoughts, news, ideas, musings, rants, & rambles.

George Wheelhouse
Sep 2, 20155 min read
Why Photography?
I started wondering "Why?". Why do I take photos? Why do I share them online? Why did I make a website? What do I hope to get from it all?

George Wheelhouse
Aug 23, 20152 min read
Low Key Wildlife Portraits – Some Of My Favourites
A collection of low-key wildlife portraits together. A project I'm calling "On Black" which features photos of animals on black backgrounds.

George Wheelhouse
Jun 4, 20152 min read
Bluebell Wood Photography Project
The results of a three-week photo project focussing on a local bluebell wood, in Hertfordshire, UK. Photos of trees, bluebells, and woodland

George Wheelhouse
Apr 16, 20147 min read
My Digital Photography Processing Workflow
My Digital Photography Processing Workflow, using a Nikon D800, iPad, and a PC. I shoot in raw, and process photos in Lightroom.

George Wheelhouse
Apr 9, 20147 min read
George, Why are you always going on about processing? It’s not the 90’s
Why do I still need to process photos in the digital age? This post is about photo processing and why it's still required for digital photos

George Wheelhouse
Aug 22, 20138 min read
Low-Key Wildlife Portraits – Part 2
My process of producing low-key wildlife portraits. These are dark, characterful portraits of animals in low light, on black backgrounds.

George Wheelhouse
Jun 25, 20133 min read
Low-Key Wildlife Portraits – Part 1
My thoughts on producing low-key wildlife portraits; How I got there, the thinking behind it, and where I'd like to take the project.

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